A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning
A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning
LETHE Project
As the world’s population increases in age, the number of people living with dementia grows. Dementia has long been considered to be neither preventable nor treatable, but while the underlying illnesses are not curable, today we know that the disease course might be modifiable with good preventive interventions at an early time point.
LETHE will establish novel digital biomarkers, for early detection of risk factors, based on unobtrusive ICT-based passive and active monitoring. The aim is to establish a digital-enabled intervention for cognitive decline prevention based on the evolution of a successful protocol (FINGER study) evolving into an ICT based preventive lifestyle intervention through individualized profiling, personalized recommendations, feedback and support –FINGER 2.0-, well targeted on a population stratified by cost-effective biological biomarkers.
LETHE is leading to a more personalized risk factor prevention for persons in the initial stages of cognitive decline, thereby empowering people to an active and healthy lifestyle. Expansion of digital-enabled health preventive approaches, by reaching out to large populations, can save healthcare systems costs on expensive traditional interventions and confer benefits for the wider society.
LETHE, is the river of Oblivion. From Greek mythology this river takes on a symbolic value, namely the importance of memory for the human being. Memory is understood as the wealth and wisdom of the past. But also, memory connected to the concept of forgetfulness
15 partners from 9 European countries set sail together to navigate the waters of the Lethe River

And this is the link between LETHE Project and the innovative strategies to contrast the onset of symptoms of cognitive decline. Prevention, therefore, plays a fundamental role for the project
LETHE conceptual framework

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 863463