Deliverables & Publications
Deliverables & Publications

D2.2 LETHE architecture and scenarios
Work in progress on publications
- 25%
D2.3 LETHE architecture update
Smart Cities 2022,
D2.5 LETHE Interoperability Framework
Electronics 2022,
D4.3 – LETHE sensing ecosystem
The public’s perspectives on lifestyle-related behavior change for dementia risk reduction: a qualitative study
D5.2 Deployment of the LETHE infrastructure
The public’s perspectives on lifestyle-related behavior change for dementia risk reduction: a qualitative study
D6.1 Data Management plan and ORDP I
D6.3 – Privacy and legal framework I
D7.1 Study protocol
- 100%
D8.8 – Recommendations on social and ethical implications of the project
D9.2 – Dissemination and Communication Plan
D9.5 Communication Media pack for the LETHE project

D2.2 LETHE architecture and scenarios
D2.5 LETHE Interoperability Framework
D4.3 – LETHE sensing ecosystem
D6.1 Data Management plan and ORDP I
D6.3 – Privacy and legal framework I
D7.1 Study protocol
- 100%
D8.8 – Recommendations on social and ethical implications of the project
D9.2 – Dissemination and Communication Plan
D9.5 Communication Media pack for the LETHE project

- 25%
Work in progress on publications
Smart Cities 2022,
Electronics 2022,
The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405