On 21 June 2022, LETHE partners joined a collaborative meeting on “Data management, Protection and Regulatory Issues”.

The meeting was hosted online and was organised by the BRAINTESER project.

The meeting brought together different H2020 funded projects, including: LetheAI-MINDOrigent Data SciencesNeurodegenerative Disease AtlasRadar-ADROCK-ALS trialMAXOMODpremodiALS and WARIFA.

Project partners discussed the regulatory challenges in each project and their actions taken so far. This included the most common challenges among all the initiatives and the possible activities that could be jointly implemented.

We are looking forward to collaborate with our sister projects and will keep you posted on joint activities.
Stay tuned!

Are you interested in engaging with Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies?

The Neuronet Decision Tool provides a clickable overview of the processes and procedures for HTA and regulatory interactions at different stages of the development pipeline. This will help ensure that the outputs being developed by projects are relevant for regulatory and HTA settings, where applicable.

Access it here: https://kb.imi-neuronet.org/admin/decision_tool



The LETHE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405.

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