LETHE fifth annual General Assembly meeting in Helsinki
From the 9th to 10th of April, the H2020-funded LETHE consortium gathered for their fifth annual General Assembly meeting in Helsinki, Finland...
Exploring Hands-Free Interaction in Digital Health: The LETHE Glasses Sub-Study
Introduction: In the constantly evolving field of digital health interventions, integrating advanced technologies has the potential to enhance...
Initial Feedback from the Lethe Cognitive Training Programme
The members of the Lethe Advisory Board met online on the 20th of February to provide initial feedback on the Lethe cognitive training programme....
The future of Cognitive Wellness: The Brain Health Literacy Portal (BHelp)
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital health, the launch of BHelp stands as an innovative approach that aims to empower individuals with...
Luxembourg hosts unprecedented collaborative event for Public Involvement in European brain health research
Luxembourg, 10 Nov 2023 - Six pioneering European projects meet in Luxembourg next week for a historic Public Involvement event led by Alzheimer...
Dementia Prevention Insights at Alzheimer Europe Conference
On 17 October, two researchers from the LETHE project presented on their work at the Alzheimer Europe Conference in Helsinki, Finland during a...
The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405